I highly endorse Mum Mum Cards!  I love their inspiring, heartening, and supportive line of cards. The unique "messages from the baby" truly encourages pregnant women and new moms. My favorite though is the "Morning Sickness" card, I wish this was around when my wife was pregnant!

Kevin Harrington - Original Shark on "Shark Tank", Inventor of the Infomercial, Co-Founder of Quantum Media


I am a proud grandfather with a second little girl on the way. By way of the Mum Mum cards I was able to send personal note cards to our daughter which conveyed a heartfelt message in a unique “baby on the way” style. If out of the ordinary baby card message is your goal, Mum Mum cards will become your go to source.

Jack Lippart, Pennsylvania

10 months. That is how long pregnancy actually is. No one really thinks about the fact that 40 weeks is technically 10 months.

That would be 10 months of waiting, wondering, worrying. 10 months of eating right and avoiding everything we shouldn't have. 10 months of growing and caring for someone we have yet to meet, but who will change our whole world.

No one knows 10 months like a mother-to-be. And that is why mothers-to-be will love these cards.

Right now, there are cards to celebrate everything, to and from everyone. Need a graduation card for your niece from your cat? It's out there. Need a Friendship Day or Thanksgiving card? Those also exist. However, when you search for a card to a new mother, there are many options, but few from the person we are most excited to meet and see - the baby we have been creating and caring for during the past 10 months.

My friend recently told me of his new venture – Mum Mum Cards (cards to new mothers from their babies) - and it was like a lightning bolt. I couldn't believe these didn't exist everywhere and weren't already in every baby store possible. (With as much time as we spent in our local baby stores, I would have definitely noticed.) The "On My Way" cards are perfect for baby showers, or for showing mom a little love before the baby arrives, and the "I'm Here" cards are ideal for once baby arrives.

I can't tell you how much a card from my new little one would have been appreciated and treasured. I was fortunate with my first in that my pregnancy was a breeze, and our new baby was the easiest to care for, however, the birth was pretty difficult. I would have loved to have something tangible - aside from my obvious new pride and joy - to look at and know how much my pain, scarring, and sacrifice meant to my little one. It wasn't as if I didn't know this just by looking at him. or from the support I received from my husband and parents, but in those quiet moments, it really would have been nice.

I believe that every new mom could use some reassurance and thanking after a new baby - which is why I can't wait to suggest these cards to my friends.

Phinon H. Woodside

Motherhood is such a time of joy and excitement. During the pregnancy process mothers will experience the nausea from morning sickness, physical changes in the body like leg swelling, and the emotions that come with mood swings. During these trying times the best way to get through the process are caring words from family and friends. Mum Mum Cards provide the best medicine for pregnant moms.

Dr. James Perkins, MD

The journey of motherhood is by far the most amazing experience that anyone could ever hope for. There is nothing else in the world that can compare to the joy or heartaches that motherhood allows. Yet, sometimes it’s hard to compress all of those feelings into the right words. Lucky enough for us, we’ve been introduced to Mum Mum Cards to express every emotion possible to our pregnant moms in the office. I absolutely love these cards and highly recommend them to anyone in search of the right words to say to beautiful mothers all across the globe.

Gloria Stone, DC (Doctor of Chiropractic)

Thank you for introducing me to the novel and inspirational Mum Mum Cards.The sweet messages written in the cards put a smile on my face and would surely encourage any expecting mom. The cards conveyed encouraging reminders that all the physical and mental changes will be well worth any inconvenience or discomfort for the end result…a healthy baby!

Pregnancy can be an exciting yet challenging time with the physical changes and unexpected emotions. Mum Mum Cards provide an avenue to acknowledge this while reminding mom of the sweet reward.

Again, you have provided a fantastic resource for expecting moms and I am happy to share this with my friends, church members and colleagues!

Best of Luck!

Gretchen Collins, MD ProVision Behavioral Health Consultants LLC

From conception to birth, mothers-to-be are developing a bond with their child that will last a lifetime. The physical changes and emotional ups and downs that women go through during pregnancy can sometimes be challenging. The transformation during this wondrous journey can sometimes be scary and difficult. The nausea of morning sickness, backaches, anticipation, stretch marks, planning, and food cravings, bring out a myriad of emotions.


Being reminded of the joy to come and the relationship that is being established before birth, helps them to cope. A kind and encouraging word can go a long way to boost the confidence and well-being of expectant mothers. These positive and reassuring Mum Mum Cards can help to engender an enthusiastic outlook and cheer them on as they prepare for delivery.

The Mum Mum Cards offer an affirmative boost as the mothers-to-be participate in the miracle of life.

Dr. Joseph LaCavera, III, DO

Pregnancy is about expectations and excitement. What is supposed to be a very happy time in a woman’s life can sometimes take an unexpected turn. For many families, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is where they first get to know their child. This can be some of the most difficult days in their lives. We have been giving out Mum Mum Cards to the moms on our unit for about a year. It has been my pleasure to watch as they open a card addressed to MOM from their little one. It always brings a smile to their face - and smiles are sometimes hard to come by in those early days in the NICU. On days that are particularly tough, it is so nice to have an encouraging Mum Mum Card to be able to leave at the bedside to brighten mom’s day and help her feel more attached to her child.

Kelly Cover,MS NICU Family Support Program Coordinator - March of Dimes